Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Swine Flu: Prevention and Cure

Death Toll increased to 2 due to Swine Flu in Indore. This year, total 9 people H1N1 reports are declared positive. Separate ward for Swine Flu patients has been created in MY hospitals and proper precautions are taken. 

Its important to understand What is Swine Flu?

Swine flu (swine influenza) is a disease of pigs. It is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by one of many Influenza A viruses.The current outbreak of swine flu that has infected humans is of the H1N1 type.

Symptoms of Swine Flu
Symptoms will generally be similar to seasonal human influenzas - this can range from mild or no symptoms at all, to severe and possibly fatal pneumonia.

As swine flu symptoms are similar to typical human seasonal flu symptoms, and other upper respiratory tract infections, detection of swine flu in humans often does not happen, and when it does it is usually purely by chance through seasonal influenza surveillance. If symptoms are mild it is extremely unlikely that any connection to swine influenza is found - even if it is there. In other words, unless the doctors and experts are specifically looking for swine flu, it is rarely detected. Because of this, we really do not know what the true human infection rate is.

Signs and Symptoms of Swine flu in humans

 They are similar to those of regular flu, and include:
 What can I do to protect myself?
  • Wash your hands regularly with soap
  • Try to stay healthy
  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Do plenty of exercise
  • Try to manage your stress
  • Drink plenty of liquids
  • Eat a well balanced diet
  • Refrain from touching surfaces which may have the virus
  • Do not get close to people who are sick
  • Stay away from crowded areas if there is a swine flu outbreak in your area
Source: medicalnewstoday


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