Saturday, October 4, 2014

Fangshui Tips

Hang crystals in North-East for education : The North-East corner of home is connected with education and knowledge. Its element is Earth. For success in studies of your children, hang a crystal ball in this corner.

Keep a globe in North : Keep a globe in North-East of your house. Globe is a symbol of Earth. This enhances knowledge and education. The element of North-East is Earth.

For more income : Keep money plant in South-East corner of drawing room because this direction is related to wealth.

Statue of laughing Buddha : Statue of laughing Buddha is regarded as lucky for wealth. The place where this statue is kept is important. It should be placed in front of door at a height of 30 inches. Laughing Buddha welcomes the energy entering the door. This energy gets activated and brings prosperity. If it is not possible to keep this statue in front of maindoor, it may be kept on a side table or on a corner table. It should be in front of main door even if it is in a corner. It's face should be towards the main door. This statue should not be kept in bedroom or dining room.

Hang pictures of children in West : The West area of home is related to children and creativity. If you hang their pictures on wall in this area, their luck will shine.

Do not keep blue or water depicting pictures in South : The element of South is Fire. According to Pakua, this is related to fame. According to the destructive cycle of elements water destroys fire. Keeping in south a painting showing water will harm reputation. Blue articles should also be removed from this area because blue colour represents Water element.

Hang a Picture of Mountains : For rise in confidence, hang a picture of mountains behind your seat. Mountains indicate that support will be available to you. Particularly the persons lacking in confidence should adopt it.

Never sit with a window behind : The open window is lucky but sitting with a window behind is not desired because energy will be washed away. This will reduce confidence and tension may increase.

Do not sit with a door in your back : If the door is at your back while sitting, you will not be able to know what is happening at your back. To avoid it's disadvantages, a mirror may be installed in front of you.

Get stopped clocks rectified or remove them : The stopped clocks of office or home should be removed as they generate negative energy. Clocks should be always kept in good condition.

Bamboo for good luck : The bamboo is regarded as very lucky for a long lifespan in Feng Shui. Bamboo ensures growth even in adverse situation and gives courage to fight any storm in life. Bamboo is a symbol of good health and luck. Pictures of bamboos are also helpful.

Telephone and fax machine should be kept at proper place : Telephone and fax are means for contacting persons and for getting information on new assignments. Whenever the bell of phone rings, you become excited that a customer is contacting, wants to enquire and needs your services. The presence of such customers who are faithful to you is welcome. Telephone and fax machines are made of metal. Therefore these should be kept in North-West whenever possible because North-West is direction of friendly people and element of this area is Metal.

Do not hang calenders on any door : Do not hang a calender on any door on its front or back or in the door way. Keeping a calender or a clock on any door, particularly the main door is harmful because it harms the longevity of residents. Symbolically it means that how much time is left of your life.

Use incense sticks to remove negative energy : Sandalwood powder and incense sticks are used in every home for worship of God. These are very useful in purifying air that has negative energy. Burning of sandalwood creates energy, the place gets purified and mind becomes calm. Therefore incense sticks should be lighted daily.

Do not keep red objects and intense light in North-West : There comes a time in the life of every man when he gets unexpected help from a person. Feng Shui can help in this manner. The North-West corner is related to helpful people. This area can be strengthened by the use of a hollow windchime that has 6 rods because element of this area is Metal.

Scrub the floors with salt mixed water : To clean glass or crystal saline water is used. This water is very useful for removing negativity at home. Cleaning the floor with salty water is very auspicious. 5 spoons salt in 5 litre water is recommended.

Keep brooms hidden : Brooms and sponge are used in every home for cleaning. These two are also symbolic of negative energy. Keeping broom in open is a bad omen. Therefore keep it hidden.
Never keep the broom in open particularly in dining room because it will indicate cleaning away of food and money. If the broom is kept outside the house in front of main door as overturned (backside upwards), it safeguards the house from intruders but this should be done only in night. In daytime, broom should be kept hidden to avoid the bad eye of others.

Mirror reflecting dining table : Mirrors kept or hanged in dining room have proved to be a wonderful source of energy. The mirror depicting dining table gives an impression of double quantity of food kept on the table. A mirror in dining room enhances good luck. The energy coming from the mirror hanged in North safeguards the family members.

Hang coins and bells on the handle of door : Hanging coins of Fengshui on door handle is the best method of enhancing wealth and good luck. Three old Chinese coins may be hanged after tying with a red ribbon. This will benefit all family members. These coins should be hanged inside and not outside of door. The coins should be hanged only on one door (maindoor) and not on all doors.
A small bell may be hanged on the outside handle of maindoor. This bell will indicate entry of good luck in your home while the coins are symbols of entry of wealth. Never keep coins on back door because back door indicates exit of good things.

Keep only one mattress on double bed : There should be only one mattress on a double bed. The sleeping of husband-wife on separate beds may cause the separation.

Do not sleep in front of a door : In China, sleeping in front of a door is regarded as indicator of death. Actually in China the dead body is kept in this manner and is regarded as auspicious.

Do not hang mirrors in bedroom : Mirrors reflect energy. This energy may be good or bad according to the location of the mirror. The mirror should never be present in front of the door because it can create friction in marital life or a third person may enter in their life. For avoiding the negative influence of mirrors, these should be kept covered. Mirrors should be built inside almirahs of the bed room. A mirror showing husband-wife sleeping may cause divorce. Therefore mirrors should not be visible in night. In ceilings too, mirrors should be avoided.

Aquarium : Never keep goldfish in bedroom, kitchen or toilet. Aquarium should be kept in drawing room. The recommended directions are East, South-East and North. Fish is an effective method for enhancing good luck. Keep 9 gold fish in fish bowl or a small aquarium. In it 8 fish should be red or golden and 1 black fish should be kept. If the gold fish dies, do not get disheartened but discard it and bring new fish. It is said that when gold fish dies, it takes away misfortune with it. Otherwise this misfortune attacks a family member. The watery things should be kept at a proper place for good luck. Never keep it in bedroom.

Do not keep almirahs open : Books when kept in an open almirah, create negative energy. Open almirahs are like a knife. Keeping almirahs open may bring illness.

Statue of laughing Buddha : Statue of laughing Buddha is regarded as lucky for wealth. The place where this statue is kept is important. It should be placed in front of door at a height of 30 inches. Laughing Buddha welcomes the energy entering the door. This energy gets activated and brings prosperity. If it is not possible to keep this statue in front of maindoor, it may be kept on a side table or on a corner table. It should be in front of main door even if it is in a corner. It's face should be towards the main door. This statue should not be kept in bedroom or dining room.
This God of wealth is not worshipped but it is kept decorated as its presence is considered as auspicious and symbolic.

 Hang a picture of owner of house in South : The element of South is Fire that represents Fame. The red colour symbolizes Fire. The owner of house should get his photo framed in a red border and hang it in South. This is a good method of augmenting prestige and fame.

Model of a ship filled with golden coins : A ship is a symbol of great achievement and success in business. A model of ship may be kept at any place in home. The care required is that the ship must appear entering inside the house or office. It should not be heading towards outside, otherwise all opportunities will sail outside and there could be a heavy loss. Artificial golden coins must be filled in the ship. The coins will bring luck. If artificial golden coins can not be arranged, then normal coins or rupees may be used.

Do not keep ceramic articles in North : North area represents water element. According to destructive cycle, Earth destroys water. Therefore ceramic or clay materials should not be kept in North. This can harm the career. The crystals should also not be kept in North.

Chinese coins for wealth : Chinese coins are very effective for enhancement of wealth. The 3 coins may be tied with a red ribbon or red thread and kept in a purse. This is a symbol of income. The gift of these coins is regarded as very good. The red thread keeps these coins active and generates Yang.

Do not keep green plants in South-West : The South-West corner of your house has Earth element and is related to marriage and relationships. Green plants represent Wood element. Wood destroys Earth. Green plants in South-West are harmful for Earth energy of this area and as such possibilities of marriage may diminish.

Hang a picture of all family members in a jovial mood : Hang a picture of all family members in a happy mood in South-West corner of drawing room. This will develop a feeling of togetherness. For development of love between husband and spouse, the picture can be hanged in South-West corner of bedroom.

A Feng Shui tip for selling the house soon : If someone is interested in selling his house soon, he should keep a metallic part of kitchen equipment, some clay of lawn or courtyard and a piece of wood in a red envelope and should throw this envelope in a fast flowing river.

Become popular in society : For an active social life and rise in fortune, Yang energy must be activated. For this purpose bright light must be arranged in South-West part of home. This can be done by various methods. The best is to glitter the South-West corner of lawn by a sharp light. The lighting outside the house should be done in such a manner that valuable Earth energy may influence the house.

Never take last piece of snacks from plate : The last piece of a snack in a plate should not be taken even if insisted upon. This is an old belief in China. If someone regularly ignores this rule, he may lose his life-partner. In Feng Shui, it is said that eater of last piece invites bad luck and poverty for himself.

Childless couples : Sometimes due to stress, air pollution etc. the temperature of womb is not maintained and conceiving becomes difficult. Feng shui gives some solutions to increase the possibilities of conceiving. Every person has a separate direction of fortune that is called his specific Yen direction. For success in conceiving, a room should be chosen at the yen place of husband, heads should be in Yen direction. The poisonous arrows should be avoided. There should be no beams. When trying for birth of a child, light romantic music should be listened.



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